NEC has just announced a flexible battery type ORB, or the organic radical battery which has a thickness of only 0.3 mm. This flexible battery can be integrated with a card IC (integrated circuit) in it, such as credit cards and more.
With these capabilities, it is certain that the future size of a credit card will be even thinner, and more comfortable to sit on the wallet.
Not only that, with this new type of battery, credit cards will most likely have a screen, but more importantly a credit card can display important information when you swipe.
One of the important information that can be displayed is the remaining balance, so you can control spending less each time using a credit card.
ORB battery has a capacity of 3 mAh, and can be used over 2,000 times. Unfortunately, users are likely to be trouble when having to replace batteries when depleted, especially for users who like to shop.